Posts tagged celebrity
The Liz List - May 1, 2020

Today in The Liz List… my product of the week (the SOFTEST and BEST loungewear set I’ve ever owned), a few beautiful home tours (including celeb James Van Der Beek’s), links to two new cookbooks I just purchased, Chipotle’s guacamole recipe, why we should stop referring to our pop culture pleasures as “guilty”, pics of Kylie Jenner’s new $36.5 million mansion, Brene Brown on the danger of “comparative suffering” (SO good), and more.

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The Liz List - October 11, 2019

It’s almost been 2 full months since my last Liz List. Yikes! 😬 Certainly not intentional, but sometimes life gets in the way. It’s honestly been a weird couple of months for me, personally. Don’t worry… nothing too bad! I’m just working through the normal new mom emotions surrounding this life transition into motherhood, and it’s had me a bit distracted from the blog. I’m actually working on a blog post about it right now, but since it’s more personal and involves lots of feelings it’s taking me a bit to finish it up. More to come!

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The Liz List - August 9, 2019

How is it already August?! I can’t believe summer is almost over. It flew by for me. By the time you’re reading this, we’ll probably already be headed home to Austin, but this week David and I have been in Nashville with Kate visiting my brother and sister-in-law. David had a work conference there, so it worked out perfectly for us to fly up and spend a few days hanging out. They haven’t seen Kate since she was about a week old, so she’s changed quite a bit since then! We always have the best time with them, and I wish they lived closer. They’re both musicians though, so Nashville is their base and I don’t see that changing anytime soon!

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