Posts tagged wellness
The Liz List - October 18, 2019

Happy Friday! πŸ₯³ Y’all Kate turns 6 months old tomorrow. 😩 I can’t even handle it. It flew by. Everyone warned me it would and it has and it’s wild. What’s cool though is she’s starting to be more interactive and fun. Honestly babies are kind of just bumps on a log for a while. πŸ˜… Obviously you still love them through the boring (but adorable) newborn phase, but they really are much more enjoyable to hang out with all day once they start babbling and giggling. It’s been fun. Also, I decided I’m going to start doing highs and lows on here. It’s an easy way to share about my week + allows me to keep it real while giving me an outlet to maybe complain a little. Sometimes a girl just needs to complain! So here we go…

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