Posts tagged nursery
Kate's Pink and Gold Christmas Nursery

Confession: Kate’s nursery is the only room in the house that’s fully decorated for Christmas. Time got away from me! Though to be fair, there were fewer days between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. We also recently started a construction project upstairs, so with the mess that comes along with that process I decided to call it quits. Why decorate a construction site? I’m sure I’ll tweak it a bit next year, but I love how it turned out!

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The Liz List - May 31, 2019

I hope everyone had a wonderful week! Four day work weeks are always a welcome reprieve, so hopefully you enjoyed your Monday off. It was an exciting week at our house because the Texas Legislature adjourned Sine Die (i.e. Session is over ) on Monday which means it’s the end of our busy season. Historically speaking, the summer following a legislative session is a slow period for us since everyone in our industry checks out for some down time after the 6 months of stressful, long hours.

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Baby Girl's Nursery Reveal

I am SO excited to finally share with y’all a full reveal of Baby Girl White’s nursery! Everything you see in the room was installed at the end of February, so the space itself has been complete for about 5 weeks now. I’ve been DYING to share it since then, but I decided to hold off on showing too much of the room on my Instagram so I could save it for a big blog reveal. Very blogger-y of me, I know.

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