Join the No Sugar Challenge

join in on the "no sugar challenge"

Ah it's that time of year. The time of year where Americans everywhere are feasting during the holiday season. All those extra calories pile up, and if you're anything like me, you're feeling pretty large by the time New Year's Eve is approaching. So, this year I'm doing something about it, and I wanted to invite my readers to join me.

Pure Austin Gym is hosting their 2nd annual "No Sugar Challenge" which is 21 days long and runs from December 2nd through December 23rd. The cost is only $21 if you purchase prior to Thanksgiving (after Thanksgiving the cost goes up to $31). Even if you're not in Austin, you're welcome to join as everything will be done either via phone or online.

The rules? No added sugar for 21 days. That includes artificial sweeteners including honey, stevia, and agave (and all the others out there) but does NOT include fruit, vegetables, or any foods that come directly from the earth.

You can see all the details and join us here.

Here's to a happy and healthy holiday season!
