Fashion, Politics & Remembering Oscar de la Renta


The one thing I said I was never going to do on this blog was discuss politics. After all, a big reason why I created this blog was to escape from my day to day life working in politics. And yes, I am well aware that title of this post includes the word "politics", but that isn't what this post is about. After all, there are occasions when fashion and politics intersect.

One human example of that intersection is the life of Oscar de la Renta. Not only did he dress the women of Hollywood, he dressed several women in the White House. And, lucky for this girl, a special exhibit honoring his 50 years in the fashion industry ran for several months this year in Dallas at the George W. Bush Presidential Library.

George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas

Fashion? Politics? Oscar de la Renta?!? Sign me up! Luckily, the husband and I happened to be in Dallas recently for a work conference, and we had one day off.

We spent a good four hours or so inside the Bush Library (which I recommend visiting regardless of your political affiliation - it's a really well done museum). We would have stayed longer had I not needed to leave to catch an afternoon fashion show at the flagship Neiman Marcus.

Seriously y'all, this was like my perfect day.

Brunch at Café 43 at the George W. Bush Library in Dallas, Texas

And my perfect day started with brunch at Café 43 inside the Bush Library. Which was excellent, by the way. I kept thinking maybe the President himself would walk in, so naturally I asked the waiter. He said that George (yup, first name basis) usually had his lunch delivered to his office at the Library, but that First Lady Bush came in often with her friends. However, she wouldn't be in today, he said.

I would have been more disappointed, but then the food arrived. That cookie above is the First Lady's recipe, and it was delicious!

remembering 9/11 at the George W. Bush Library

I won't bore you with too many pictures from inside the presidential portion of the museum, but the one above I will share. It's a portion of the wreckage from the 9/11 attacks, and I think we all need to be reminded of that day every now and then.

David in the replica Oval Office at the George W. Bush Library

On a lighter note, the husband and I each had our pictures taken inside the Oval Office replica, obviously.

Liz in the replica Oval Office at the George W. Bush Library

I'll go ahead and take a wild guess that this is about the closet either of us will ever get to being President.

Laura Bush in front of the White House with her Scottish Terriers

Here's an awesome picture of First Lady Laura Bush lookin' faboosh with her Scottish Terriers (RIP Barney!).

Oscar de la Renta gowns at the George W. Bush Library ODLR exhibit

And now for the fun part.... the Oscar de la Renta exhibit! The two ensembles above were the first two pieces seen as you walk in.

Oscar de la Renta gowns showcased at the George W. Bush Library

I loved how these gowns were displayed against that red wall. It was even more gorgeous in person.

Oscar de la Renta downs designed for First Lady's Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan

This section of the exhibit showed off gowns and suits worn by First Ladies Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Reagan.

Oscar de la Renta downs designed for First Lady's Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan

I think my favorite is that long-sleeved, sequin number above with the teal belt. The detail was so amazing in person. Truly stunning. If I remember correctly, it was worn by First Lady Bush. To see more pictures from the exhibit, click here.

fashion show set up at the flapship Neiman Marcus store in Dallas

After our visit the the library, I rushed over to the flagship Neiman Marcus for a little fashion show. And everyone was seated front row - how great is that?!

Drinking champagne, waiting for the fashion show to start

Had to grab some complimentary champagne, of course.

fashion show at the flagship Neiman Marcus store

Here's a peek at some of the looks. Overall, there were lots of big accessories, lots of sparkle, some fringe, and some fur for good measure.

After the show was over, the husband and I went out for dinner at Hibiscus (which was excellent, and I recommend it if you're ever in Dallas).

dinner at Hibiscus in Dallas, Texas, wearing Topshop

That look on my face above is joy mixed with exhaustion. Such a long day, but it was a great one that was well-spent exploring Dallas with my husband. No complaints here!

I am so glad I got to see Oscar's work in person before his passing. My favorite quote from him is "I’ve lived every day to the fullest, and I’ve had a marvelous time." I try to have that same outlook on life, and I encourage each of you to exercise it in your life as well!

RIP, Oscar.

