Posts in Travel
Our RV Road Trip Itinerary + Personal Takeaways

I’m finally sitting down to share our RV road trip itinerary! I know it’s a couple weeks overdue. Quite frankly it’s been an adjustment coming home and getting back into the swing of things. Plus, I was exhausted! And sorry… I know it’s annoying when people get home from amazing vacations and complain about being tired. But we were on the road for almost 7 weeks with a toddler, and looking back on it, we barely had time to come up for air. It was definitely a whirlwind trip!

But now I’m fully recovered (and then some!) and excited to share with y’all some personal “aha” moments I had during the trip and in the month following + give those who have asked for it our itinerary. Some of you have shared with me that you’re interested in doing a similar road trip with your family, so hopefully my itinerary is helpful to you!

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Santa Barbara Family Trip Recap

We traveled to Santa Barbara, California over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, and I wanted to quickly recap our trip before I forgot all the details. I’m going review where we stayed, what we did, and where we ate + briefly summarize how it was to travel during COVID (since I got a couple questions about how it went on Instagram!). I also share my personal thoughts on traveling in general right now.

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