One Year With Kate

Today our precious angel is one year old, and my what a year it has been! A year ago yesterday, my husband and I were all checked in at the hospital and feeling a mix of anxious, excited, and grateful. Looking back now on those first few days of Kate’s life, it seems like an entirely different era and hardly like it was only a short year ago. This milestone felt SO far away this time last year! But here we are. We made it. 🥳


When I scroll back on my phone to look at photos from the early days, I can’t believe that little nugget who barely opened her eyes can now crawl, pull up, stand, babble, and laugh. Lately it seems like every day she learns something new. A little sponge. And she’s SO proud when she masters a new trick! She just beams, waiting for us to clap and say “Yay! Good job, Kate… you did it!”. It’s absolutely adorable. She’s quite clever, really. ☺️


Everyone said the first year would fly by, and of course they were right. There were moments, however, when time seemed to stand still. Like when she grins ear to ear as I pick her up from the crib each morning. Or when she laughs at our dog Louis as he chases after a chew toy we’ve thrown. And when she lights up whenever her dad (her current favorite) enters the room.


Looking back on our first year with Kate, I’m proud of how we’ve transitioned into our new role as her parents. Of course, it wasn’t always smooth sailing (babies can be tough 🤪) and the learning curve was steep, but we did it! Now we just need to work on our cursing. 😅


To be completely honest, while I’m of course sad that a year of Kate’s life has already flown by, I’m not super bummed that most of the baby stage is behind us. Bring on toddlerhood! It’s so much fun for me to watch her grow and change into this fierce and determined little lady. Now that she’s a little older, she’s so curious and always wanting to examine new things (of which there are many). It’s hard to describe, but it’s like I see wisdom behind her eyes. I just know she knows so much more than she can say!

Ask me in 6 months how I feel about toddlerhood, but for now I’m excited about this new chapter. 🤪


I really don’t know how we got so lucky with Kate. God answered our prayers, I suppose! Her sunny disposition has added so much joy to our lives. She’s sweet, silly, always babbling and - now that she’s crawling - always on the move. Except, that is, when she’s sitting in one of our laps, flipping through the pages of a book. The girl loves a good storytime session.


Of course I never could have imagined we’d be celebrating her first birthday in quarantine because of a worldwide pandemic, but hey I guess things could always be worse. 😂 Seriously though… we’re all healthy and happy, and isn’t that what matters most? That’s certainly been put into perspective for us all. If there’s one thing this crazy situation has taught me it’s to have gratitude for things I once took for granted. Like all these precious moments with her.


In true Liz fashion, I had a BIG birthday party planned for yesterday with family, friends, and neighbors, but given the circumstances we postponed it until this thing is behind us. Instead, we’ll celebrate at home with a slice of cake and some ice cream (and champagne for mommy! 🍾). It will be Kate’s first time tasting both! And she loves when we sing, so I’m sure the “Happy Birthday” song will be a big hit.


Seeing the world afresh through her eyes has been my greatest adventure yet. I can’t wait to experience the adventures to come. Happy Birthday, Kate. We are so proud to call you our daughter today and always. Mom and dad love you so much.


Links to everything in Kate’s nursery can be found here.

My Outfit: pink ombre dress (on sale), white sneakers

Kate’s Outfit: henley onesie, chambray bloomers

“One” Script Balloon

Crib Balloons

Photography: Dakota & Co.