Mamaw's Mashed Potatoes


Y’all I am laughing so hard @ myself right now because I know this iPhone photo does NOT make these mashed potatoes look very appetizing. In fact, I considered sharing this recipe without a photo at all, but ultimately I decided it was important to give you a reference point for how they’re supposed to look when finished. I’m not a photographer or a chef or a food blogger… I just really love good food. Basically it’s amateur hour over here, and I’m hoping you’ll look past that fact and trust that I’d never share a substandard recipe on this blog. 💁🏻‍♀️

All that being said… this is my grandmother’s mashed potato recipe. In our family we lovingly refer to them as “Mamaw’s Mashed Potatoes”. My brothers and I looked forward to the holidays not so much because of the gifts, but really just for these damn potatoes. 🥔

Be aware up front that this is not a light dish. That wouldn’t be in the spirit of the potato. Or the holidays, which is when we typically enjoy this recipe. Accordingly, do not under any circumstances use low-fat substitutes to make this dish. 🙅🏻‍♀️ Trust me… that would ruin them.

In conclusion I hope you can forgive me for the low quality nature of this post and trust that at some point in the future I’ll update the photos to give this recipe the true respect it deserves. Until then, enjoy these heavenly potatoes! 🕊️



  • 8-10 large Yukon gold (a.k.a. yellow) potatoes, peeled (I think these make for a creamier finished product)

  • 8 oz. cream cheese, softened

  • 1 cup sour cream

  • Salt and pepper to taste (my grandmother always used white pepper, but I can never find it so I just use regular ground pepper)

  • 1 stick of butter

  • Seasoned salt

*NOTE: I usually add more cream cheese and sour cream to taste. So if you’re making a larger batch or just want the option of adding more to suit your taste buds, then have more on hand.*


  1. Peel, boil (until fork tender), and drain potatoes.

  2. Whip hot potatoes, gradually adding the cream cheese and sour cream. Continue beating until smooth. Use a stand mixer if you have one.

  3. Add salt and pepper to your preference. Feel free to add more sour cream and/or cream cheese. These are YOUR potatoes!

  4. Spoon into a buttered baking dish. Be sure it’s well buttered! This prevents sticking.

  5. Dot potatoes with more butter and sprinkle with seasoned salt. Cover with foil and refrigerate if cooking later the same day or the next day. Freeze if cooking 2+ days out. Yes, you can freeze these potatoes!

  6. Bake covered for 15 minutes at 325 degrees. Uncover & bake for 20 minutes. You’ll know they’re finished when butter is bubbling up the sides and the potatoes are warm throughout. If cooking from frozen, the baking time will obviously be longer.