Special Announcement: Tribeza Interiors Home Tour

I’ve got a SUPER exciting announcement to share with y’all today. 🥁 Our home was selected to be part of Tribeza Magazine’s 2020 Interiors Tour! 🎉

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Each year Tribeza Magazine showcases home designs created by Austin-based designers. So basically it’s like the “Parade of Homes” tour but for designers vs. builders. The style of every home selected is unique. Whether you’re into classic design (like in my home), or you prefer something a little more modern - there’s something for you on the tour! You can check out some of the other homes on this year’s tour here.

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If you’re interested in attending, mark your calendars for Sunday, January 26th! There are 8 homes on this year’s tour, including ours. I’ve linked where you can purchase tickets below. You can also purchase tickets at the door with a credit card (cash isn’t accepted, FYI). Tickets are $25 and children under 12 are admitted for free. Cheap thrills! 🕺🏻

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I promise this isn’t me being annoyingly fake modest (sometimes it’s tough to convey tone via the written word), but I truly cannot believe our home was chosen. I love interior design, so the Tribeza Home Tour is something I’ve kept up with every year I’ve lived in Austin. I always geek out over the homes on the tour. 🤓 I never in a million years imagined I’d get an opportunity to be a part of it. It’s definitely a pinch-me life moment. I’ve made a conscious point to take a step back to fully consider it, appreciate it, and give my thanks to God for all of our blessings.

And seriously allllllll the credit goes to the Heather Scott design team. They did an incredible job and brought my very disjointed vision to life. 😅 I learned so much from them throughout the design process. Heather and her team are simply the best. I’m thrilled they’re being honored with a slot on this year’s tour. They deserve it!


And finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out another Austin designer featured on the tour. Sara Cuckerbaum at SLIC Design! We worked with Sara to design our downtown Austin office space (which I promise I’ll share on the blog in 2020 😬), and she is incredible! I am so proud of her and her growing team.


I’m pretty sure I’ll be camped out at my house during the tour, so if you follow me on Instagram be sure to say hello! I’ve already had a couple of you reach out to let me know you’ll be attending, and I can’t wait to meet you. 🤗


Design: Heather Scott Home and Design

For more information about the tour and to purchase tickets (they’re $25), click here.

To see the other homes on Tribeza Magazine’s 2020 Interiors Tour, click here.

To read more about our home’s design, click here.