Posts in Personal
Life Update: We're Moving!

I’ve been dying to share this update for months now, and today’s the day I can finally spill the beans… we’re moving!

This has been in the works for a while, but for obvious reasons I wanted to wait until it was a “done deal” before sharing. The past few months have been a bit of whirlwind behind the scenes, but now it’s final. We sold our current home off-market and are in a leaseback with the new owners right now. We move into our new Austin home on April 15th.

Click to view the post in full to learn more about our move!

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The Liz List - July 24, 2020

In today’s Liz List… Kanye West news (although it’s probably not quite what you’re thinking!), the toll the coronavirus is having on working moms, a new Instagram feature sure to irritate TikTok, the health benefits of walking, a major new podcasting announcement, lots of travel industry updates (y’all know I’m always on it with the travel news!), a TV reboot I binge-watched this week and LOVED, and more!

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A Little Life Update

A lot has happened over here in the last 7 months, and so I think a little life update is overdue. Today I’m sharing a few personal updates I haven’t mentioned on social media yet, what I’ve been up to as it relates to motherhood and life at home during quarantine, how I’ve been holding up in 2020, blogging, and more. If you’re a new reader… hi! I hope you enjoy learning more about me, and thanks for following along!

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The Liz List - July 10, 2020

In this week’s Liz List I cover… what Kate and I were up to this week and our next big family trip, several major business acquisitions in the fashion and beauty spaces, how to handle conflict with friends, the backyard renovation project of my dreams, my strange affection for outdoor showers, several COVID-related travel updates (including when Americans will be able to travel to Europe again), grounding and why it might be good for your mental health, and more!

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